It’s been interesting to see the downplaying of the phrase DCT – Decentralized Trials – within the industry over the last few years.
Starting with the COVID pandemic, for the next two or three years you couldn’t scroll LinkedIn or attend a conference without DCT seemingly being hyped as the solution to all the problems with clinical trials.
Whereas now, just a short time later – while DCT may not exactly be regarded as a fad – it gets nothing like the sort of coverage it used to. (Indeed, I know of several companies in the field of patient recruitment that have removed any reference to DCT from their promotional materials).
For myself, I think DCT is here to stay. As the main reason it’s probably not so prominent in the ongoing discussion is that many of its elements have been adopted within standard clinical trial practice anyway. Thus making it not so buzz-wordy as it was before.
But no less valuable and effective as a result.