Having worked in digital marketing for 20+ years, it’s easy for me to forget that not everyone understands how sophisticated the targeting options are within the main ads platforms such as Google and Facebook. (Whilst many organisations do use Google for their promotional activity, I’ve found that in the field of patient recruitment for clinical trials, nothing comes close to Facebook in terms of being able to generate quality leads in high numbers – which is why I focus on that platform for my service offering).
Digital Marketing Tactics or Strategy – Which is Best for Promoting Clinical Trials?
Digital Marketing Tactics or Strategy – Which is Best for Promoting Clinical Trials?
Most digital marketing campaigns will be based on some form of strategy – in that there will be an overall goal in mind that is being worked towards through the implementation of some form of plan. However, what I’ve often found when I’m brought in to improve the returns from a company’s advertising spend is that what is being called ‘strategy’ is actually just a collection of ‘tactics’. Here’s an overview of the difference and which approach makes most sense when advertising to attract patients for clinical trials.
Using Facebook Ads to Hit Patient Enrollment Targets for Clinical Trials
Using Facebook Ads to Hit Patient Enrollment Targets for Clinical Trials
Many clinical trials are notorious for not achieving their patient recruitment targets – thus leading to a waste of everyone’s time and resources if the trial is unable to go ahead due to the desired number of people not being enrolled.
Rare Disease Patient Recruitment Using Digital Ads
Rare Disease Patient Recruitment Using Digital Ads
Reading through a recent special report on rare diseases in the excellent Raconteur supplement – a topic-based collection of high quality articles that is given away in The Times – I started to think about the complexities of targeting an audience for clinical trials when their condition is a rare one.
Advertising to Attract Patients for Clinical Trials – 4 Effective Methods
Advertising to Attract Patients for Clinical Trials – 4 Effective Methods
Anyone involved in the provision of clinical trials knows how difficult it is to attract patients – with a high proportion of all trials not reaching the minimum number of participants and many not managing to recruit anyone at all.