My Videos

Sometimes Tech Vendors in Clinical Research Develop Solutions in Search of a Problem
There are a lot of tech solutions on offer designed to make the process of patient recruitment and retention more effective. With my original background in digital marketing, I’ve often been ...
I'm Attending the SCOPE Europe Summit in Barcelona - Always a Good Event
Today I’ll be in Barcelona, ready to attend the SCOPE Europe summit on Tuesday and Wednesday, which is the sister event to the SCOPE Summit that takes place each year in Florida. I’m looking ...
Changing the Location for Writing Helped me Write My Book More Quickly
When I was writing my book - The Patient Recruitment Conundrum - I experimented with different approaches to the act of writing, including varying the location. Anyone who’s looked into this ...
I can Now Get Hundreds of Notepads Worth of Content on One reMarkable Writing Tablet
I’ve previously talked about how I often take a lot of notes, and how writing things down has been very helpful for me to work through problems and come up with ideas. In the past I used the ...
Developing the Rare Disease Research Network for more Patient-Centered Research Opportunities
Today I’m delighted to be involved with the Cambridge Rare Disease Network participating in a working group meeting to help develop their Rare Disease Research Network - which is building an ...
Investors can help Provide the Necessary Funds to Ensure New Treatments are Developed
Types of organization that don’t always get much of a mention when it comes to the world of clinical trials are those that invest in biotech and pharma. Without their funding the industry ...
Outside of all the Problems the Clinical Research Industry can Get a Lot Right
If you ask ten different people within clinical research what the main problems are that are holding the industry back, you may get some consensus, but equally you could receive ten ...
LinkedIn Content can be Informative and Entertaining at the Same Time
There’s a lot of communication that takes place on LinkedIn among people in the clinical research industry. As is the nature of that platform, much of it is the corporate-style ‘here’s our ...
On John Lennon's Birthday I Hope we can all Work Together for Better Results
9 October is John Lennon’s birthday, so today he would have been 83 years old. I’ve often heard people refer to his most famous song - Imagine - as a naive hippy dippy vision of utopia that ...
Taking Notes and Keeping a Diary can be Useful for Sparking Ideas in the Future
One thing I’ve done a lot of over the years is take notes. Whether in meetings or at conference sessions, in webinars etc, I've always recorded the information and added my thoughts where ...

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