Another method of recruiting patients into clinical trials that should be valuable is to use such things as a patient’s health records, lab test results, and insurance claims data. Obviously ...
A SWOT analysis is a technique often used by businesses to identify and assess different aspects of their operations. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and an ...
Within the world of writing advice there’s often a clear distinction made between planners and pantsers. Referring respectively to people who plan out what they’re going to write before ...
Having mentioned doctor referrals, site databases, patient group and community outreach activities as ideally being the best methods of recruiting patients, we now come to the approach that ...
Continuing the theme of the best methods of recruiting patients for clinical trials, reaching out to patients ‘where they are’ is another approach that should be able to deliver good ...
Having looked at what I consider to be the ideal method for recruiting patients - doctor referrals - I’ll share a few other thoughts on the best methods of recruiting patients as things are ...
I’m often asked what’s the best method to use for recruiting patients into clinical trials. And the answer is usually prefaced with ‘it depends’ as each trial will have its own circumstances ...
I view advertising in what might be thought of as an ‘old school’ manner. In that I believe the fundamental point of all advertising is to ‘sell stuff.’ In the world of patient recruitment ...
Continuing the Christmas theme, I ensure I do something related to Charles Dickens’ story A Christmas Carol every year. That includes usually reading the story, as well as watching various ...
Every year there’s a consideration to be made when creating content as to whether to include reference to Christmas, or even to create some specific pieces for the festive season. Television ...