My Videos

Showing Respect for All the Stakeholders in the Patient Recruitment Process
Respect for the other stakeholders in the field of patient recruitment is based on recognizing that everyone is fundamentally trying to do the best they can. There is often a finger pointing ...
The Core Value of Respect Should run Through all Your Patient Recruitment Activities
In the final 3 short vids I’ll be doing this year before taking a break, I want to mention the core value that everyone involved in clinical trials should keep at the heart of everything ...
Offering Patients Choices that Fit Better with their Lifestyle may be a Good Idea
Most clinical trials have a series of procedures in place that are simply imposed on the participants regarding when and how they take part. For sure there are good reasons behind this. And ...
Using Omnichannel Marketing Techniques for Patient Recruitment
The word omnichannel is often used in the context of marketing. Essentially it means that an organization or brand is being promoted through multiple methods, with each one retaining a ...
Associating a Random Object with a Current Project can Help with Idea Generation
One technique that can offer spark some interesting ideas is to look at associating a random object with something you’re currently working on. For example, in front of me I have a phone ...
Writing and Reading Everyday are Recommended for Improving Writing Skills
There’s a couple of things I think are helpful when it comes to improving and keeping on top of writing - learned from my own experience as well as advice I’ve picked up from others. Write ...
A Condition-Specific Website Could be Beneficial for Patient Recruitment
Following on from the idea of having a trial-specific website, I’m often bemused by the fact that sponsor organizations and CROs don’t seem inclined to have websites that are focused on ...
Patient Recruitment Works Better with a Trial-Specific Website
Despite this being 2023, nearly 2024 now, I still see plenty of clinical trials that don’t utilize the internet for recruiting patients. Certainly there are people who don’t go online all ...
More About the Learning Phase for Facebook Ads
There are some things you can do to help your Facebook Ad Sets exit the Learning Phase and start performing the best they can. One of these is to target a wider audience within your Ad Set. ...
An Overview of the Learning Phase for Facebook Ads
I was discussing the optimization of Facebook ads with a sponsor contact recently, and it occurred to me that there are some Facebook-specific elements that are perhaps not all that well ...

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